
76 Clean Code Robert C. Martin Uncle Bob

Please do not make false statements without understanding my code. Once things are easy to change, then the users will ask us for more things, will tax our imagination and our imagination, and we’ll end up creating new and fun things. In this particular case, we could easily give selected users the ability tio change the messages. The power that is now transferred to the users makes them more satisfied with our work.

– If you are looking for online courses to learn SOLID and design patterns then I also suggest you take a look at theJava Design Patterns and Architecture, a free course on Udemy. It will greatly improve your understanding of writing robust and easy-to-maintain object-oriented code in Java. Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like my review of Clean Code, a must-read book for software engineers and professional developers then please share it with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback then please drop a note.

This means that, all else being equal, they are also easier to maintain. What makes an if/else chain harder to maintain than polymorphism is duplication. A duplicated if/else chain is very difficult to maintain because the same changes have to be made in each duplication. Polymorphism is easier to maintain since the same kind of change is made all in one place (i.e. the derived class). All too often documents are used as a remedy for bad code. Programmers will say to themselves, “Oh, this code is bad, I should write some comments.” No, they should clean the code so that it doesn’t need comments.

uncle bob's clean code

Regarding the Args code in the PDF file, I’d definitely change the font to one that didn’t make every “i” look like a 1 . Now the two teams are in a race. The tiger team must build a new system that does everything that the old system does. How to Optimize Query Performance in MySQL Databases Not only that, they have to keep up with the changes that are continuously being made to the old system. Management will not replace the old system until the new system can do everything that the old system does, on the day of the change.

But that new staff is not versed in the design of the system. They don’t know the difference between a change that matches the design intent, and a change that thwarts the design intent. Furthermore, they, and everyone else on the team are under horrific pressure to increase productivity. So they all make more and more messes, driving the productivity ever further towards zero. Robert Cecil Martin , colloquially called “Uncle Bob”, is an American software engineer, instructor, and best-selling author. He is most recognized for developing many software design principles and for being a founder of the influential Agile Manifesto.

I will grant you that a lookup table is a better approach in most cases, especially if the meassages are likely to change. However, in this case, as I explained in the article, the messages were nothing more than conveniences for programmers who wanted to print something. I don’t expect them to change so I felt “OK” about leaving them in the code. I think a properties file for this little utility would be overkill.

How to Structure a Valuable README

The software breaks in many places due to a single change. Don’t append prefixes or type information. In this course Uncle Bob introduces the basics of Agile to executives, managers, analysts, testers, and programmers alike. In this course Uncle Bob guides developers who have gained an initial competence with TDD towards true mastery of the discipline. In this course Uncle Bob teaches the basics of Clean Architecture as described in the Clean Architecture book.

uncle bob's clean code

You have to add it to all the derivatives, just like you have to add a new case to every if/else chain or switch statement when you add a new data type. So the benefit of polymorphism is not absolute. It is relative to whether you are more likely to add more functions, or more data types. If data types are more variable than functions, then polymorphism helps.

In a reply to linkcd, Uncle Bob insists that the use of switch statements keeps the code cleaner! And that they are pleasant to read. While it may be pleasant Software development articles for dummies to read, it does not keep the code cleaner. Especially when there are other alternatives. OO is not about the elimination of switch statements.

Over the span of a year or two, teams that were moving very fast at the beginning of a project can find themselves moving at a snail’s pace. Every change they make to the code breaks two or three other parts of the code. Every addition or modification to the system requires that the tangles, twists, and knots be “understood” so that more tangles, twists, and knots can be added. Over time the mess becomes so big and so deep and so tall, they can not clean it up. Martin is a proponent of software craftsmanship, agile software development, and test-driven development. If a code isn’t clean, it can bring the company to its knees and reduce its ability to remain competitive by providing cutting-edge solutions.


I find the second section quite a bit more difficult to understand than the first. I can look at the first and immediatly see what it does and how to change it. The second is not nearly so transparent. To make matters worse, it produces a vector with magic indeces (e.g. The number of ‘E’s is kept in vcnt as opposed to ecnt). So, all else being equal, I prefer the switch/case version. It proves that not everyone uses XP/TDD…that “stinky code” gets left behind.

uncle bob's clean code

With Java5 auto-boxing, I see no reason why the interface of a class should ever expose primitives. So, when the class is loaded, the data would be loaded. When any change is needed, the file is changed, and the reload method is invoked. All this while the application is running. And all this happened because we went to a slightly higher level of abstraction in the code when we moved from the first option to the second option.

The Clean Code Book Review

In this talk, Uncle Bob revives that old notion of architecture and describes, in detail, the principles and rules in the Art of Drawing Lines. In this talk, Uncle Bob transports you into an alternate reality where he is your new CTO. This is what he expects from you. As you listen, notice how reasonable these expectations are to customers and users. Notice also how impossible they appear to programmers.

It would be another component to be deployed, another element in the installation script, another file to get lost or corrupted, another directory structure to create. Just read everything after Environmental Benefits of Cloud Computing the name of the command as a single string, then split it using “-” as the separator, then handle each part in a simple way. Then statements or switch statements or the ArgumentMarshaler[?

  • I’d like more emphasis on the thought process less on the details of making the changes.
  • Actually, I’m a bit ambivalent about having them there at all.
  • There is a lot to be appreciated in both and a lot more to be appreciated when both are met at the same time.
  • Sink in the sea of tiny little functions?

Code is clean if it can be understood easily – by everyone on the team. Clean code can be read and enhanced by a developer other than its original author. With understandability comes readability, changeability, extensibility, and maintainability. With understandability comes readability, changeability, extensibility and maintainability. In my experience, 20 years ago developers didn’t comment their code. Now they still don’t comment their code.


Along those lines, it is very difficult to design what I think of as a “good” design for a complex problem in a single pass. Eventually the team rebels; and they inform management that they cannot continue to develop in this horrific code base. Management does not want to expend the resources on a whole new redesign of the project, but they cannot deny that productivity is terrible. Eventually they bend to the demands of the developers, and authorize the grand redesign in the sky. As the mess builds, the productivity of the team continues to decrease, asymptotically approaching zero. As productivity decreases, management does the only thing they can; they add more staff to the project in hopes of increasing productivity.

While this seems paradoxical, it is not so. A little introspection reveals that because you write less code, you make fewer implicit assumptions. Assumptions limit the things your code can do. Because you assume fewer things, you prevent fewer things and permit more things to happen. Hence, code can evolve faster and be more flexible.

Uncle Bob has also written some awesome books on software development. Some of his books like Clean Code is considered as the bible among the programming community. He has also presented many sessions on many important topics like clean code, software testing, agile management, future of programming etc. He always stressed the importance of writing clean, readable, well-tested code.


This is high content education that will hold your attention and stimulate your thoughts with its impactful and energetic style. Better to have many functions than to pass some code into a function to select a behavior. Prefer dedicated value objects to primitive type. After you’ve listened to this talk, you’ll never think about functions the same way again.

I don’t believe the messages will be changed frequently; but the properties file will still have to be deployed by everyone who uses the function. Frankly, I believe that the need to manage the properties file would discourage most programmers from using the Args class. From this viewpoint, the text of the messages is subject to change, and new messages are likely to be added if we expect arbitrary argument “types” to be passed in from the command line.

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